Based in Toronto, Canada, Alexis Allen is a certified FileMaker developer with over 25 years of experience. Known for her expertise in creating visually stunning and functional FileMaker apps, Alexis is the founder of FM Design University and the president of Hyperspace Data Solutions, Inc. She’s passionate about sharing her insights into interface design to empower others in enhancing user experiences.


The Quest for UI Balance: Aesthetics vs Functionality
Creating any design can sometimes feel like an adventure, with many discoveries, twists, and turns along the way. But it can quickly seem like an impossible task to magically combine all your research, data, development skills, and design knowledge into a functional AND beautiful app at the end. In this presentation, we’ll be exploring the key design principles that help you balance aesthetics and functionality in your user interfaces, so that it can feel less like a quest for the Holy Grail, and more like an exciting journey.