Ian Jempson is a highly experienced technologist with 30 years of experience consulting on and implementing business solutions. He is a recognised expert on FileMaker integrations with AI and speaks regularly at conferences on the topic. Ian earned his MBA at Warwick Business School (WBS) and wrote his dissertation on the strategic implications of AI. He engages in continual professional development with further studies at WBS and Saiid Business School (Oxford). As a Certified Scrum Master, Ian combines technical knowledge with an agile, results-oriented approach. His Claris and AWS certifications ensure optimal cloud-based AI solutions for any business need.


Deep dive into Semantic Search in FileMaker
This session will help you understand how to solve business problems with the semantic search features in FileMaker 2024. I’ll demonstrate extracting and querying information from business documents in a variety of formats. We’ll also examine how tedious manual business processes can be automated using native FileMaker functionality. The demo file shows how to automatically classify product reviews and extract the ones needing attention.
We’ll also discuss performance and the implications on server hardware. I’ll even show you how to double the embedding performance in native FileMaker code!
I’ll show how to run your own embedding model locally and whether that’s the right decision for you. We’ll also look at how to approach the question of choosing a model.
By the end of the session you’ll be better informed about the capabilities and limitations of the new Embedding Search functions.